Tag Archives: sculpture

Work from the wretched year of twenty twenty, the beginning of the downfall of all civilization on planet earth. Artificial intelligence and Neural Networks were once again recruited as generative tools to create interesting and evocative shapes. Then even more neural networks competed against each other to increase depth and detail in the 2d textures, which were then mapped to roughly modelled 3d shapes. We bow down to our new machine overlords – as we always have and always will.

Artificial intelligence is reshaping the frontier of sculpture, introducing a novel category of art known as AI-generated sculptures. This intersection of technology and creativity leverages AI algorithms to conceive and construct three-dimensional artworks, offering a new perspective on the creative capabilities of machines.

AI-generated sculptures stir debate around creativity, authorship, and the essence of art. Critics question the emotional depth of AI-created works, while supporters view AI as an extension of traditional artistic tools, pushing the boundaries of crativity. These sculptures also challenge notions of originality, as AI can generate countless variations on a theme, complicating concepts of uniqueness and copyright in art.

The evolution of AI suggests more intricate and interactive sculptures ahead. Incorporating real-time data could lead to pieces that evolve with environmental changes or audience interactions, blurring the lines between art, viewer, and context. Additionally, merging AI art with virtual and augmented reality technologies promises new experiential dimensions, allowing for immersive encounters with art that transcend physical space.

The rise of AI in sculpture prompts ethical questions about creativity’s nature and the implications of using AI to produce art that may infringe on existing copyrights or dilute the human touch in creativity. These concerns underline the need for ongoing dialogue about the role and regulation of AI in the art world.

AI-generated sculptures represent a dynamic fusion of AI technology and artistic exploration. While they challenge conventional views on art and creativity, they also open up unprecedented possibilities for innovation and expression in sculpture. As AI technology advances, it promises to further expand the horizons of what can be imagined and created, inviting both artists and audiences to rethink the essence and potential of art in the digital age.

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sound visualization sculpture
Spectral Density Estimation I; 50 × 25 × 12 cm; Cedar wood;

Spectral Density Estimation is a pair of sculptures commissioned by the SECCA and the Winston-Salem Symphony orchestra. Two sound recordings of the first organized tuning were taken at the last 2 orchestra performances of the 2012 / 2013 season. Each recording was analyzed and transformed into a spatial arrangement of the audio frequencies over time. The resulting geometry was then carved into a block of wood from a cedar tree, that had fallen outside the museum.

sound visualization sculpture
Installation View at SECCA; [Photography: Cliff Dossel]
sound visualization sculpture
2 sculptures, 50 × 25 × 12 cm each; Cedar wood; [Photography: Cliff Dossel]
sound visualization sculpture
Detail; [Photography: A N F]

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anfischer Indizes – stock market data sculpture
Poplar plywood, paint; 46 × 140 × 120 cm
Indizes is a data sculpture visualizing the stock market indices S & P 500, Dow Jones Industrial and NASDAQ from January to November 2008. The values are shown on the three peaks of the five rows of polygons. The data source is Google Finance.


anfischer Indizes – stock market data sculpture

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Reflection sound sculpture

Reflection is a sound data sculpture, derived from the musical piece by Frans de Waard of the same title. Commissioned by the 5 Days Off Festival in Amsterdam for the »Frozen« exhibition.This project came into being as a collaboration with Benjamin Maus.
Material: CNC-milled MDF, Dimensions: 900mm x 720mm x 120mm.
The other artists participating in the show are Shajay Booshan, Leander Herzog, Daniel Widrig and Marius Watz.

Reflection sound sculpture
Reflection sound sculpture - design studio Berlin
Reflection sound sculpture - generative design

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